Thursday, September 20, 2007

My Reflection

How will I be remembered. What legacy will I leave in the hearts and minds of those close to me. In a smaller sense, how am I perceived by those around me. Am I coming across as the person I want to be, or do I give out a totally different impression.

I am the president of an employee action committee at my company, a position that I did not apply for, but was volunteered to by my boss. I took the spot because I felt I could do at least the same job if not better as the pervious person had done. The committee plans fund raising activities and employee events (company picnic, annual meeting, holiday party).

We had a meeting today and I was delayed on the phone for a couple minutes. The rest of the committee was already present when I came up the hallway towards the conference room. As I approached, a conversation was in progress - "I wonder how many assignments we’ll get today - he is quite the control freak isn’t he" " well he knows what he wants and expects that result" "yeah but somebody that anal must have some issues".

I can see it now.....and now we remember our friend as the anal control freak full of issues that we all knew. WOW. Not exactly the warm fuzzy I was hoping for...I supervise a division full of people...I am a friend, a son, and honestly I felt I had a pretty good inkling of the kind of person I was and the way I came across to others...apparently I am missing the mark somewhere.

Like most people I hope to leave a legacy from my time here on this planet. If not able to impact the entire world then at least a good number of its inhabitants. I want to have made a difference. To have left a lasting impression upon the lives of the people around me would give my life purpose and the chance that it might endure beyond my own time here. I have taken the many chances for growth I have had over the years and tried to put them to good use, becoming a person that I could be proud of and respect - and attempting to give that back out to the world in my dealings with people and circumstances. ANAL CONTROL FREAK WITH ISSUES - not so much.

Time for some re-examination I think.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A Glimmer of Light

Over the past month or so I have had the feeling that something was amiss. I am still progressing with my diet and fitness plans, but almost felt as though I was phoning in the effort - going through the motions without the heart and conviction that I should have. In a broader sense, my whole life has been feeling that way lately, as though I was on a long highway I had traveled before - moving forward, but disconnected -I was on cruise control.

My father always called it coasting...when I was getting by well enough, but obviously not giving my best effort - coasting along on the merits of reputation, not results. I was aiming squarely for the status quo..and achieving it, but somewhere in the recesses of my mind I knew that it was not where I wanted to be. I am grasping at the comforts of my well worn life, not wanting to embrace the evolution of myself. Change is hard, cold, and precarious. It requires effort, focus, and an increased understanding. I just wanted the assurance of what I had and what I already knew.

My life right now is what happens when the need for the "routine" collides with the inevitable change that comes with growth...and it’s not very pretty.

One of my co-workers called it perfectly..."what’s up with you Grumpy"?
Yup that’s me. Nothing seems to be right these days. I seem perturbed about everything. I know a lot of it stems from my weight loss and fitness regimes.

We live in a fast-paced world. If we are forced to have patience, we get frustrated. We tap our feet, we drum our fingers, we sigh, we blame the other driver, the inept cashier, the slow waitress. For our generation we need results NOW. Diet is no different. We need crash diets, instant pills, 48 hour fasts, surgeries to speed up the process. When the results don’t meet with our expectations, our first thought is to blame the method instead of ourselves. Society preys on this weakness and creates even more ways to "melt the pounds away". Some of my anger comes from my own gullibility and impatience in the process. But lets be really honest didn’t take a week for you to become why should it take any less time to take the weight off. The scale is not my friend, if I weight myself more than twice a week it mocks me and makes me even less likely to have that stick-to-it attitude. Right now slow and steady are not easy to come by.

Exercise is the same way. Park further away, take the stairs, take a walk, get up off your back and DO something. I am exercising, I do my cardio, but I don’t have the drive, the balls to the wall attitude that would make the scale more of a friend. I am getting there, but I am taking the scenic route. I will not take diet pills, not take metabolism boosters, excess pills are not what I need, I need an infusion of dedication and belief in myself. Sure a trainer would be nice, but I don’t need it. Sure not having a rotator cuff injury would make things easier, but its not the end of the world. Wanting it more than anything else, that’s what I need. Being complacent isn’t cutting it.

I don’t know how to jump start myself. How to reignite the fire of change that should be coursing through me right now...I am excited to see the changes, but I see that until I make an internal adjustment in the course of my life, decide that it’s ok to change and grow....then I will be stuck on that same path..."dancing through life".

Dancing through life
Skimming the surface
Gliding where turf is smooth
Life's more painless
For the brainless
Why think too hard?
When it's so soothing

Dancing through life
No need to tough it
When you can sluff it off as I do
Nothing matters
But knowing nothing matters
It's just life
So keep dancing through

Dancing through life
Swaying and sweeping
And always keeping cool
Life is fraught-less
When you're thoughtless
Those who don't try
Never look foolish

Dancing through life
Mindless and careless
Make sure you're where less
Trouble is rife
Woes are fleeting
Blows are glancing
When you're dancing
Through life:

from the Broadway musical Wicked
by Stephen Schwartz