Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Playing Catch Up

Time has a strange habit of getting away from me...yes here it is already day two of phase two and I haven’t even finished up my postings for phase one yet. But I digress....the last couple of days on phase one went well, once again a lunch with my mom on the weekend could have posed a potential problem, but once again I opted for an entree sized salad that actually wore me out with all the chewing. That is definitely something I am finding....eating a big salad when eating out takes time and makes the experience longer from all the time it takes to eat it. Therefore you don’t finish up early and then feel bad about the good things everyone else is eating.

Monday morning and the dawn of phase two began with a weigh in of course. Ending the first two weeks and welcoming in the.....well I am not sure how long phase two will last at this point, but I think it’s safe to say that it won’t be a matter of days. This phase will be around for a while..so I will no longer count off the phase two days....I think "South Beach - Phase Two- Day 146" is a bit much. The end result of my first two weeks embracing the South Beach lifestyle was a loss of 13 lbs. I am more than satisfied with that number and believe it’s a great springboard to begin phase two with.

I am going to follow the books recommendations and bring back the now allowed foods slowly...don’t want to cause myself to actually gain weight on the weight loss portion of the plan...but I look forward to fruits and whole grains again.

1 comment:

Rinkly Rimes said...

Look back to your Starfish blog for a comment!