Thursday, June 26, 2008

South Beach - Phase One - Days Nine and Ten

This has been a really busy week at work with lots of work related activities spilling into the non-work hours. I would have to describe the past two days eating as appropriate without being pretty. Made as many things up ahead as I could and have been reheating etc. for the bulk of my main meals.

Make ahead eggs are great. I can get them mixed up and then prepare the fillings so in them morning all I have to do is dump everything in the pan, and in less than 10 minutes I am eating. When I have to eat on the run, eating right often times goes the way of fast food. But with made ahead snacks and lunches, I can still run around, feel full, and stay on plan.

I do feel better. Eleven lbs lost and I feel less sluggish than I had been, the walking is going well at work and I just need to spend some more quality time doing some walking in the pool on the weekends.

Everyone is trying to find their own rhythm as they go through their two weeks. Some are finding it a bit frustrating with less weight lost so far but are not giving up...we all have our own stakes to keep us on track.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

South Beach - Phase One - Day Eight

Week One - Phase One is history. Overall it was a good week. Total loss for the first seven days on South Beach was 10 lbs. I am sure things will slow down this week, but I pleased with the outcome so far.

Everyone in the rag tag bunch has posted a loss thus far, so we must be doing something right. I believe that the expanded food lists and exercise plan has made the new version of the South Beach Diet easier to follow and will be easier to maintain during phase two. Any time you add more variety to anything it makes it easier.

Tomorrow at the office we are celebrating birthdays for the month as we do every month. The cake is a different flavor each time, and I must admit it was always a nice treat. But I know we will do just fine tomorrow, since my fellow South Beacher's and I can make sure the other maintains their resolve. Temptations will always be around, but if we remember the bigger picture of what we want to accomplish-they won’t be temptations for long.

Monday, June 23, 2008

South Beach - Phase One - Days Six & Seven

I was a little worried about the weekend - all that free leisure time...the normal time for socializing, eating, drinking, etc. I had things pretty well planned out - but there were a few wildcards. Lunch on Saturday with my mom....she knows I am on South Beach, but she also looks forward to when we go to lunch on Saturdays - so I let her choose the place. I figured I can handle most any restaurant and make something work out South Beach friendly.... So I waited in anticipation to find out where it would be. "I think" she said, "I would like to go to the Cheesecake Factory". It could have been worse....I stealing my we went.

I did fine...I ended up with a big Cobb Salad. It was very good, and I did fine watching my mom eat her Chicken Piccata with Angel Hair Pasta and Garlic Bread. Thank goodness she was not interested in any cheesecake....I might have had to just go wait in the car.

Sunday was fine. Went for a walk. Of course unless you go at dawn or 10 p.m. it will be 113 degrees so I went mall walking. First the upper level, then the lower level. It’s a big mall so I felt like I got a decent (and air-conditioned) walk in. The intervals didn’t go very well, but kept up a steady pace.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

South Beach - Phase One - Day Five

Friday seemed to fly by and I really didn’t feel hungry. The South Beachers at work were all comparing this weekends shopping lists and scouring the ads for the best prices on Phase One friendly items. It really is nice having a group of people going through this with you. I am sure as with most other diets I have been on with others that some will drop out, but initially our will is strong and we are a determined bunch.

Tonight I had dinner at a friend’s and had a wonderful piece of Salmon with a great topping that made a really nice punch for the mild flavor of the salmon. We also had celery sticks and three different toppings - humus, an artichoke Parmesan, and a vegetable topper full of garlic. For dessert it was a phase one recipe for this fudgesicle/peanut butter/whipped topping that I hereby proclaim awesome and no one would know it was dietary...this will definitely be in my permanent rotation.

Friday, June 20, 2008

South Beach - Phase One - Day Four

Today went well enough in most repects here in the South Beach Southwest. More weight loss..I was down 6lbs this morning so who can argue with that kind of start to the day. Had chili for lunch from yesterday and that filled me right up.

Tonight I had not prepared anything in advance, since it was 113 degrees today I felt a cold dinner might be I had some shaved turkey breast, cottage cheese (which I doctored up as best I could) and a couple of cheese sticks. I was not overly inspired, but it was ok. This was at about 6:00. By 6:45 I was hungry- again. Not just hmm maybe some almonds hungry, but..hmm pizza sounds good hungry. I remember this feeling and its not a good one. It does pass but takes a while.

Erring on the side of caution I got in the car and went to the movies. Had a diet coke, and by the time it was over, hunger passed and crisis averted.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

South Beach - Phase One - Day Three

Day three...I guess almost all of the South Beachers and I were a bit curious as to how things might be coming in the weight loss portion of our South Beach experience. So each of us on the morning of day three weighed in. I am definitely proud of us so far....I posted in with a 3.5 lb loss, we also had a 5, 4, and a 2 lb loss. Most definitely an incentive to continue.

This morning I also made a phase one friendly recipe for the crockpot. It was a chili recipe using ground turkey and three different kinds of beans. I wondered if the "phase One" part of it might change the flavor, but I am pleased to report that it was really good. Everyone that tried it thought so too..we all kept saying that it tasted so normal...not sure why we kept saying it...but we did.

No major cravings, and I felt satisfied between meals and snacks. If this continues, then I think adopting this lifestyle permanently will be easier than I had imagined.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

South Beach - Phase One - Day Two

Commericals are evil. Between the radio and tv commericals that bombard you throughout the day it makes anyone trying to be a good South Beacher a bit rough around the edges. Aside from the rare South Beach commercial it was a sea of fast food, pizza, and carbs. It doesn’t actually shake my resolve any, but what it does do is make whatever I am eating appear much less appealing.

Lunch was interesting. I tried a South Beach entree that is Phase one approved - basically just chicken and green beans. It was ok...basically like a lean cuisine - but without any pasta or potatoes. I had no trouble sticking to my plan, there was a time in the afternoon when I really got hungry but I lasted through til my snack and was ok the rest of the night. I made certain to have my fudgesicle for dessert and that was a surprisingly good change of taste for being no-sugar.

The rest of the bunch also seemed to do well enough...though the work bunch wanted to eat anything in sight by mid-afternoon. So far so good.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

South Beach - Phase One - Day One

No matter how much preparation you go through - starting a new diet on a Monday morning is just NOT the best way to begin a work week. But at least you have the newness factor going for you. The wanting to get everything right... to have just what you are supposed to have time that is always at the start of any plan. Hopefully we stay vigilant and not fall into complacency when you stop measuring and start "eyeballing" things and rationalizing that M&M’s must fit into phase 2 somewhere....

Overall the day went well. I was not overly hungry, but did realize that I was not eating in the usual patterns. Had my snacks and was even all ready for dessert....but was too tired to eat it...but it will wait for tomorrow.

My rag tag group of South Beachers joining me had differing reactions. The ones that had been through it before were ok, the newbies most definitely NOT embracing the South Beach lifestyle...but it’s early yet, and once the weight starts to drop, they will whistle a different tune I am certain.

Monday, June 16, 2008

My Journey to South Beach

Weight has always been the major disruptor in the otherwise fairly normal progression of my life. I believe for a combination of reasons, that it was destined to become one of the most difficult addictions to affect me as an adult.

Growing up I was tempted by all of the usual vices, smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs, and frankly I did experiment as many young people do. The results of my experiments were as follows:

Smoking: as much as I wanted to be cool, cigarettes and or marijuana both made me choke and cough and that coupled with watching my father smoke like a chimney, made for a quick flirtation with smoking.

Alcohol: this one I seemed to fare better with - no choking at least. But I honestly discovered shortly after trying alcohol, that I could have just as much fun having one drink as I could having 5 or 6. To this day I am nothing more than a social drinker.

Recreational Drugs: These just plain scared me....being in athletics I didn’t want to do anything that might hurt my performance, and steroids were not yet a part of the scene except for the appeal was just not there for me. Besides, I never have liked the feeling of not being in control of my actions - so chalk up another one for "not my deal".

Ah....but food. Food was a different story. You had to eat. It’s a part of life. In my family both my parents were avid cooks and created in me a love of food, and cooking, and eating that goes back as far as I can remember. I have always associated food with good times, smiles and laughter, the many parties my parents threw, the huge family get together’s centered around a holiday meal. It was my childhood and adolescence and as an adult still is a part of my life that I treasure.

I don’t eat to live. I watch the Food Network. I am a good cook. I bear the mark of these three items in my waist size and shirt size and each and every time I look in the mirror. Like the many others in my position, I have yo-yo dieted up and down the scale too many times to count. I do posess the ability to lose weight - the will power, and the drive to keep it off though have all been for reasons that seem to never last. To be more specific, the reasons haven’t been for me they all seem to have been for someone else.

So..I embark on the journey once again. South Beach worked well for me before, so I bought the new book, read it, and am ready to give it a try. But this journey IS for me. It is for my health, it is for those I love and care about, it is for all the right reasons and for this reason I think I will have better success. I am joined by a rag tag group of friends, loved ones, and co-workers, each on their own journey, but nice enough to give me some support in my own.

I will use this blog to chronicle my journey good or bad in hopes that it may bring a shred of hope or laughter or understanding in your own.